Why Attend?

Why Attend PowerSchool University (PSU)

Put It to Work
In addition to optional one-on-one and evening lab assistance, you can select up to 24 hours of hands-on training classes, from up to a total of 28 instructional hours. You’ll work directly within PowerSchool and receive step-by-step, hands-on training throughout every course. This specialized training allows you to return to your district and immediately implement what you’ve learned.

At PowerSchool University, you’ll meet the best and the brightest of your PowerSchool community. You’ll find countless opportunities to network with staff, trainers, and PowerSchool users during each of your classes and at every meal.

Get Your Toughest Questions Answered
You can meet with the PowerSchool University staff and receive personalized help. Throughout PowerSchool University, our trainers will be available to meet with you at PowerSchool University Open Lab and answer your detailed questions one-on-one. If you have PowerSchool technical support questions, make an appointment with our PowerSchool Support staff at SupportLab. We want you to leave PowerSchool University with all of your questions answered.

Earn CEUs and Get Certified
The PowerSchool University course catalog has over 80 different courses to choose from, organized by topic, level of experience, and job role, making it easy to fill your schedule. You can use your time at PowerSchool University to get certified in an available topic and bring that training home to your district. You can also earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for most of our courses.

Take It With You
After PowerSchool University, review what you’ve learned or check out a course you didn’t have time to attend by accessing curriculum for the entire course catalog. You will also receive special, extended access to a sample of our PD+ self-paced training.

Why Attend PSU Remote Plus?

Put It to Work
In addition to optional one-on-one and evening lab assistance, you can select up to 24 hours of hands-on training classes, from up to a total of 28 instructional hours. You’ll work directly within PowerSchool and receive step-by-step, hands-on training throughout every course. This specialized training allows you to return to your district and immediately implement what you’ve learned.

At PowerSchool University, you’ll meet the best and the brightest of your PowerSchool community. You’ll find countless opportunities to network with staff, trainers, and PowerSchool users during each of your classes and at every meal.

Get Your Toughest Questions Answered
You can meet with the PowerSchool University staff and receive personalized help. Throughout PowerSchool University, our trainers will be available to meet with you at PowerSchool University Open Lab and answer your detailed questions one-on-one. If you have PowerSchool technical support questions, make an appointment with our PowerSchool Support staff at SupportLab. We want you to leave PowerSchool University with all of your questions answered.

Earn CEUs and Get Certified
The PowerSchool University course catalog has over 80 different courses to choose from, organized by topic, level of experience, and job role, making it easy to fill your schedule. You can use your time at PowerSchool University to get certified in an available topic and bring that training home to your district. You can also earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for most of our courses.

Take It With You
After PowerSchool University, review what you’ve learned or check out a course you didn’t have time to attend by accessing curriculum for the entire course catalog. You will also receive special, extended access to a sample of our PD+ self-paced training.

Justify My Attendance

In addition to the many great reasons to attend our various PowerSchool University events, access our downloadable letters (MS Word format) for each PowerSchool University event type that you can customize and send to your manager to provide a strong justification for your attendance.

Download the letter, add your details (name, location preference, goals, etc.), edit as necessary, and we’ll see you at PowerSchool University!