What's included with tuition?
Tuition for PowerSchool University includes the following amenities:
4 Days of Training
Attend four days of training within PowerSchool solutions to gain hands-on professional development for novice to advanced PowerSchool users.
Individual Assistance
Take advantage of Open Lab or schedule a SupportLab appointment to get individual help or advice regarding your own data or technical support questions.
Catered Event Meals
Enjoy breakfast, lunch, and refreshment breaks on instructional days (Monday-Thursday).
Loaner Laptop (Per Request)
Request a loaner laptop, if needed, to use during your classes during the event.
Tuesday Social Event
Join us Tuesday night for a chance to network with fellow PowerSchool users with a one-of-a-kind event, including a reception and entertainment for PSU attendees.
Course Content – Curriculum Connection (CC)
Access digital curriculum for a variety of PowerSchool solutions. This access extends beyond your week at PSU so that you can continue learning!
Tuition does not include travel, lodging, ground transportation, or other expenses.